When setting out on the path of Divadom, there are a few things that are properly classified as “essentials.” I’ll go over these in separate posts and you can always look for them by searching for the term “essentials.” Chief among the essentials is a French Fairy Godmother (hereinafter known as “FFG”).
Now, don’t fret. You don’t have to be French to have a FFG and your FFG doesn’t need to be French. Like most things on the Diva Path, this relies far more on attitude than it does on biology. A FFG is someone who has walked the path ahead of you and is willing to help you find your road. She (it could be a he, of course – divas don’t have such narrow restrictions!) has already cleared away impediments, obstacles and other forms of brush from her own road, so she’s uniquely capable of helping you do the same. She is full of joie de vivre and thinks you should be, too. She’s there to listen to you, whether you’re discussing your triumphs or your tribulations.
And she knows the perfect shade of red for you.
I met my FFG a few years ago, when I was just starting on my journey to become more French in my attitudes. (I picked French. For me, it was the sense of style, exuberance for living, romance, and respect for the intellectual life that I associate with the French. For you, it could be Italian, Spanish, Greek – whatever floats your particular glittery boat. ) I wanted to pare down my wardrobe and build it up with high quality items, rather than cheaply made “fast fashion.” When I met my FFG, I swooned over what became the first truly good handbag I ever owned. Slowly, over the years with her help, I’ve built up my wardrobe to include items that are made from luxury materials like cashmere, silk, and linen and that also are made with attention to detail and cut. Take your time and – if it’s not perfect, you don’t need it yet.
I started with basics – a great white cotton blouse. A really good winter coat (well, “winter in the Carolinas” coat). Black riding boots. A large silk scarf. I stayed with basic colors (white, black, navy, chocolate, and so on) but my FFG encouraged me to go beyond the basics and enjoy color. And boy, do I! (To the point of having “mermaid hair” for a while, which is another story.)
I was never a “label girl” growing up, but now I pay attention. Some brands truly are superior in workmanship to others. I refuse to buy knock-offs but buy quite a lot second-hand. Nothing I own is covered in logos – that’s just not my style, although if it is yours, go for it! Some brands are simply beyond my wallet (a Birkin bag? Never happening for me), but I’m amazed at how much I can find – especially now that I’ve made cleared out most of the clutter and created room for these treasures to find me!
But my FFG isn’t just about blazers and bags. Your FFG is there to guide you along the path of Divadom. She wants you to shine forth and she knows that it might take a great deal of gentle treatment until you have the confidence and self-esteem to insist that people treat you right. She’ll help give you that.
You really need a FFG. If you’re in Calabash, NC, click here to borrow mine.
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