Woof! Here it is at the end of the semester and – to use a Southernism I heard recently – I’m busier than a moth in a mitten!

Which means that I didn’t do as well today as I would have liked – in fact, I need to double up on my “Reverse Advent Calendar” jobs tomorrow – I was able to almost do them today, but not completely. For example, I have a small collection of books (including a few Christmas books I’m ready to let go of) to drop off at one of the Little Free Libraries in town, but it was such a go-go-go day that I didn’t get them actually dropped off. It was that sort of thing.
However, I’m proud of myself for not being all upset at what I didn’t get done today. I think much of that attitude stems from this morning’s meditation, which centered on the theme of thoughtfully considering the question “What can I REALISTICALLY accomplish today?” That, for some reason, really helped me today. Yes, there is a tremendous amount to get done and yes, it’ll all get done. Maybe not as quickly or as prettily as I’d like it, but it will get done!
I did a bit of French (I’m on a new “core” lesson and those tend to take about 30 minutes, so I only did a little of it – but that’s better than not doing any of it, right? Right.) and there are yams in the food box. I kept hydrated, roughed out my post-Christmas Epiphany party invitation (throwing a Christmas party during exams just requires too much of me – I figured out quite a while back that, for me, it’s Epiphany for the win!) and spent a little while visiting with a friend, then trying to thoughtfully walk the labyrinth on the grounds of the hospital. My mind isn’t as calm and quiet as I’d prefer, but the effort is, in itself, a good exercise for me. (By the way, there are more of these than you might think, although the one I walked today isn’t on this list. Click here and prepare to be a little astonished.)
Remember, the Advent Adventure isn’t all about “getting it right” (whatever that means), it’s about trying a little harder to do a little better.
And – by that yardstick, today was a success. As you work through this Advent Adventure, be sure to check from time to time – just whose yardstick are YOU using to make those measurements?
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