Walking the path of self-care isn’t always easy – we know it’s not all about bubble baths and golden beaches. Some days are downright hard, and unfair, and grimy, and, and, and . . . that’s no excuse to ignore taking care of your soul so you can help heal the world. I had to be reminded of that as some plans I’d been very much looking forward to popped like soap bubbles today. It’s disappointing, to be sure, but it’s a vitally-useful skill to be able to distinguish an inconvenience from an actual tragedy.
So I dusted myself off and added a jar of peanuts to the Reverse Advent Calendar box – after only a week, do you see how full the box is getting? (Depending on what you’re using for your “staging area” for the Reverse Advent Calendar, you might need another box in the coming week!)
My personal “Diva drill” today was aimed at snapping myself out of my funk. I chose to follow my own advice and “use the good stuff!” I put on good earrings and actually used cosmetics beyond soap and lotion for the first time since Thanksgiving (what??). For me, such things really do make a difference. (Red lipstick may go in and out of style, but it’s certainly a pick-me-up!)
From the bookshelf today, I chose Mindful Moments for Stressful Days by Tzivia Gover. It’s one of those books that you can just open to wherever and find something useful, whether you’re at home or on the road on a business trip – remember those? It’s bite-sized, which can be very useful when I’m so frazzled I can’t seem to find five minutes to get out of my own head.
We’re still letting the Christmas tree settle (and letting the Furs get used to it!), so it’s not decorated just yet. Instead, for my holiday “work” today, I spent some time with that stack of Christmas cards I received yesterday. It was lovely to sit quietly and read the cards, then figure out where to hang them on the doorway ribbon. An added plus – the house looks downright festive now!
Yes, the plans are different than I had imagined.
But it’ll work out.
See you tomorrow!
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