December Delights – Day 26!

In addition to being “Boxing Day,” the day after Christmas is also the first day of Kwanzaa, a popular holiday in the African-American community that celebrates heritage and integrity. It also marks the kickoff the “12 Days of Christmas” which culminates with Epiphany on January 6. Plenty of celebrating still to do!

Speaking of Boxing Day, I added the final item to the Reverse Advent Calendar box – a cookie mix – and dropped the finished boxes off to be sorted and added to the Shepherd’s Table here in town. I was gratified to see the outpouring of boxes – this is a meaningful way to mark the days in December and I hope it’s a tradition that grows bigger and even more popular in the days to come. Although I added a few extra items to the box, the basic structure was can be found here.

Today’s Diva drill is to relax and play. Too many of us start to immediately “clean up” from Christmas, practically hauling the ornament box down from the attic before the last ribbon hits the floor! Don’t do that. Instead, just play today. Curl up and start reading a book you got under the tree. Wear that new necklace. Find a place of honor on the fridge for the macaroni Christmas card. There will be time soon enough to put Christmas away. For today, just enjoy the post-holiday quiet. 

If one of your goals for the coming year is to make some time to be more creative in your life (and a worthy goal it is, too!), I suggest you go to the bookshelf and pick up a copy of Danny Gregory’s Art Before Breakfastwhich is loaded with quick ideas that can easily be fitted into the busiest of days.

As far as holiday celebrating goes – for today, just play with your toys. We’ve got other plans for the next week, but today is for playing.

Come back tomorrow!





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