The Essentials – A Holiday

I hope your summer is going well, Divas! Right now, in my part of the world, it is sticky hot and these dog days are designed for either being close by a cool body of water or happily inside an air-conditioned space. Be a little extra kind to those who must be outdoors for extended periods of time – it’s unhealthy out there. A wonderful friend gave me the idea of making sure I have a small cooler with a half dozen bottles of water on ice in the car and handing them out – it’s been an eye-opening experiment for me. There are many more folks with nowhere to go than I first thought and, even though I was a little shy in the beginning, it’s good to do good out of your comfort zone.

I sincerely hope you have some downtime scheduled for your own, exclusive enjoyment. You must make time for that, every single day. It can be something as simple as thoughtfully drinking your coffee instead of gulping it down as you stand over the sink. Or using the good skin care samples instead of “saving” them. (Saving them for what, precisely?) As you know, the benefits of frequent kindnesses shown to yourself stack up in very large, and frequently unpredictable, ways. For one thing, you have more empathy towards others and might just take to carrying water around in the car with you, sparking a tiny little kindness revolution. But perhaps you need more than just a few minutes.

In that case, let me introduce you to another Essential in your Diva journey. (Remember, you can always search for the term “Essentials” here on the Diva Dispatch and find other Essentials – they really are a good thing to have at your fingertips!) Often, Divas are the ones who make the holidays happen and that’s nothing new. Victorian women used to start planning for Christmas right about now, in July. Due to this, we often create fantastic holiday memories, but wear ourselves out while doing it.

Sometimes, every Diva gets a little blue and needs to feel celebrated and special. A Very Useful Tool on such days is a large Holiday-A-Day calendar so you can decide on a whim to celebrate offbeat holidays like Opposite Day (January 25), International Tiara Day (May 24), and Chic Spy Day (October 5). You can also click here to check the holidays on any given day – trust me, every dessert and cocktail has its own day; you just may not have known when it is!

Now if you’ll excuse me, today is National Cherry Day, so I need to go break open the maraschinos.

Live well and loudly, Divas!






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