Extravagance and Excess

Often, architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe had the right idea with his dictum of “less is more.” It makes for sleek industrial design with a decidedly modern edge. But Divas are not buildings and sometimes, more is more.

I have just returned from a conference in the delightful town of San Luis Obispo (nicknamed “SLO,” which fits my overall sloth appreciation vibe), which is midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The area is awash in wineries and other agricultural delights (lots of large decorative fiberglass cows, for instance). The university there – Cal Poly SLO – has a well-regarded agricultural program, including both an Equine Center and an area on the campus map marked as “Beef Unit.”

SLO is also home to the justly famous Madonna Inn – no, not named after the peroxide blonde who burst on the pop scene in the 1980s, although her version of excess would blend in just fine at the Madonna Inn. The inn is just – well, it’s a lot. The picture at the top of the post was taken from the main staircase landing looking over the dining room. There is nothing, repeat NOTHING, van der Rohe would have approved of. 40-foot waterfall? They’ve got it. Open fireplace large enough to roast an ox? They’ve got it! Pink leather banquettes? Right this way! Swaths of chandeliers suitable for swinging? Just look up! 110 differently decorated guest rooms? Here’s the place! Three gift shops, goblets in every shade of ROYGBIV, and rose patterns everywhere. It would make the Sun King blink.

And it was glorious.

Remember this, Divas. Sometimes a tasteful strand of pearls and a classic navy blue suit worn as you eat a quiet dinner is what you want. And sometimes, you want a plush robe and slippers in the pattern of the Madonna Inn’s carpet to wear while you sip something chilled and wonderful that was poured from a bespoke glittered bottle into a pink goblet.

Being a Diva means knowing that neither option is wrong and both are completely right.

Be willing to have both. With chocolate. SLO has amazing chocolate shops, so I re-stocked. And yes – the mints from the Madonna Inn are pink, as are the cash register receipts.

Go forth, Divas and live with joy and a bit of excess!





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