Painting Update!

One of my intentions for 2025 is to create 100 paintings. You can follow my progress on this goal by clicking on the “River of Cream Watercolors” tab and then selecting “2025 Paintings,” but here’s a direct link, as well.

As you can see, I’m breaking these out by month. January saw me create 8 paintings, February (being short) saw 7 get added to the list. The beginning of March is spring break from my day job, so I’m hoping for a burst of creativity in here! My usual medium is watercolor, but I’ve gotten interested in gouache (an sort of opaque watercolor – think grown-up poster paint and think Henri Matisse’s whimsical cut-outs), so I’m hoping to branch out a little. Will all of my experiments be successful? Well, that’s going to depend on your answer – will I learn and improve? Almost certainly! And I hope my willingness to put the imperfect out there will encourage you to pick up something as well, whether that’s a brush, stained glass, working on a short story, trying line dancing, or whatever it might be!

We need joy in the world, Divas.

Just a sample . . . go look at the rest, won’t you? Then drop me a line telling me what you’re trying!






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