Category: 30 Days
Day 28 – Your Home as Hotel
In actuality, the entry for Day 28 is longer – “think of your home as if it were a boutique hotel,” but I trust the gist gets across in the title. The idea Mme. Ferris is setting out here is a sound one – straighten your house! Things will be easier to find and your…
Day 27 – Embrace Creativity
Today’s entry from Mme. Ferris is “embrace creativity and enjoy the benefits.” While all of us are creative in one way or another, it’s interesting to note that many of us immediately protest that we’re not. This is one area in which I think Mme. Ferris is hitting the bull’s-eye of the target. We ARE…
Day 26 – Make Every Day Magical
Continuing with our tour through 30 Chic Days, today’s suggestion from Mme. Ferris is to “make every day magical.” This is, I think, a wonderful concept to ponder on the day after Christmas. (Happy Boxing Day, my UK friends!) It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of preparing for the holidays and…