Tag: Advent

  • Advent 11 – Use Your Own Yardstick!

    Advent 11 – Use Your Own Yardstick!

    Woof! Here it is at the end of the semester and – to use a Southernism I heard recently – I’m busier than a moth in a mitten! Which means that I didn’t do as well today as I would have liked – in fact, I need to double up on my “Reverse Advent Calendar”…

  • Advent 10 – Stealth Kindness

    Advent 10 – Stealth Kindness

    This was an especially nice idea – I’m thinking of it as “stealth kindness.” I think that sometimes we get a little wrapped up in wanting to be “caught” being nice – you see it in some charity pictures (mission trips, soup kitchens, and so on) where people pose with the folks they’re helping out.…

  • Advent – Catch Up!

    Advent – Catch Up!

    In the spirit of “progress, not perfection,” I’ve missed the last few days of this blog. The combination of the end of the semester (madness, I tell you!) and an out-of-town visit to do some Grown-Up Stuff will have that effect and I’m rather proud of myself for not getting all “tore out of frame,”…