Tag: Advent
Advent 6 – When the Hard Days Come
I’ve written before about the pervasive need to be kind to yourself in stressful situations, in part to avoid behaving in a way that demands that you sheepishly apologize the following day. Well, some days are easier than others and, since the idea behind Advent Adventure is to live in the so-called Real World, I…
Advent 5 – Be Positive, Not Perfect
After the first several days of this “Advent Adventure,” I thought it might be easier if I returned to a variation of bullet journaling to quickly check in on my daily goals. I settled on nine categories (side note: to my Celtic forebears, nine is a mystical, powerful number, seeing as it’s made up of…
Advent 4 – Be Present
So much of this “Advent Adventure” comes down to that – just be present. It’s the end of the semester, which is a tumultuous time. Add in the holidays and the people crossing your path can be all sorts of half-crazed with stress, pressure, and worry. All the more reason to start with a hot cup…