Tag: art

  • Bloom 5 – Unplugging

    Bloom 5 – Unplugging

    After a tumultuous week at the day job, I’m on break for a few days. If you’ve been reading Splendor for any length of time at all, you know that I’m a big proponent of the necessity of breaks. I think Americans would greatly benefit from flipping the order of “work/life balance” to put the important…

  • Roses and Cooperation

    Roses and Cooperation

    When I started this “roses” journey at the start of the year, I never anticipated how a virus would wreak havoc upon the world. In all the post-apocalyptic fiction I’ve read and watched, I cannot remember a single instance in which the human race triumphed by simply staying at home and watching Netflix. Movies, television,…

  • The Hundred Day Challenge

    The Hundred Day Challenge

    Popular wisdom (aka “some guy in a bar” and/or “the internet”) holds that it takes about three weeks (21 days) to form or break a habit. This is simply not true. To begin with, the three-week timeline is simply a rule of thumb – there are many variables and some habits take far longer to…