Tag: December

  • December Delights – Day 28!

    December Delights – Day 28!

    I always think that the last week of the year is such an *interesting* week. It’s such a good example of “borderline” time (or “liminal,” for my fancy academic friends). We have one foot in one place (the current year) and the other in another place (the soon-to-be year). Many people are being a bit…

  • December Delights – Day 27!

    December Delights – Day 27!

    For many, today is the last day of the “Christmas holiday” and the final workweek of the year begins tomorrow. It’s always a strange week, since New Year’s is just around the corner. All the more reason, I say, to look for those “December delights,” so we’re going to continue with that until the very…

  • December Delights – Day 26!

    December Delights – Day 26!

    In addition to being “Boxing Day,” the day after Christmas is also the first day of Kwanzaa, a popular holiday in the African-American community that celebrates heritage and integrity. It also marks the kickoff the “12 Days of Christmas” which culminates with Epiphany on January 6. Plenty of celebrating still to do! Speaking of Boxing…