Tag: December
December Delights – Day 22!
It sometimes seems that the closer we get to the actual holiday, the busier we get with the holiday! Dec. 22 was one of those days for me and – let me emphasize this strongly – that’s okay, provided we don’t get (to use a lovely Southernism) “tore out of frame.” For me, the day…
December Delights – Day 20!
Christmas is coming fast! In the next few days, make sure to make some time for some enjoyable pondering – read a favorite holiday story, make a batch of sweets or a loaf of bread, refill the feeders so you can enjoy the birds – whatever it takes to allow you at least a few…
December Delights – Day 19!
No matter how carefully we plan, Life is sometimes going to have its own way. Walking the Diva path isn’t about demanding that Life conform to our desires and wishes; it’s about handling the changes in plans with grace and poise. Some days I manage to do that. Others, well . . . However, I…