Tag: delights

  • December Delights – Day 9!

    December Delights – Day 9!

    As we all know, 2020 has brought a number of unpleasant challenges into our lives, stemming primarily from the emergence of the Covid-19 virus. That managed to upend some of my own holiday plans for the next few days, and I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. I was advised to take today as a…

  • December Delights – Day 8!

    December Delights – Day 8!

    Walking the path of self-care isn’t always easy – we know it’s not all about bubble baths and golden beaches. Some days are downright hard, and unfair, and grimy, and, and, and . . . that’s no excuse to ignore taking care of your soul so you can help heal the world. I had to…

  • December Delights – Day 7!

    December Delights – Day 7!

    Now that we’re a week into December, I hope that you’re finding your own path here with the “December delights.” It’s really an example of “seek and ye shall find” in action – what we look for is very often what we find, so looking for the delightful things around us generally means that we…