Tag: Essentials

  • The Essentials – A Holiday

    The Essentials – A Holiday

    I hope your summer is going well, Divas! Right now, in my part of the world, it is sticky hot and these dog days are designed for either being close by a cool body of water or happily inside an air-conditioned space. Be a little extra kind to those who must be outdoors for extended…

  • The Essentials – Say “Yes!”

    The Essentials – Say “Yes!”

    I’ve been neglectful of the Diva Dispatch of late – it’s been busy at my day job, and there have been some hard days in our comfortable house as we had to realize that we needed to say good-bye to La Belle Chance, our sweet-hearted rescue hound. These are horribly difficult decisions, but I firmly…

  • Slow Essentials

    Slow Essentials

    From the beginning of Splendor, I’ve written posts about “the Essentials” – you can search for those posts using the search bar. These are items and concepts that I consider absolutely indispensable for the Diva lifestyle. I still have more of those to write, but with this post, I’m going in a slightly different direction and…