Tag: home
All About the Follow-Through!
Back when I was working my way through Mme. Ferrs’s 30 Chic Days, (remember that you can access all the “30 Days” posts through the resources tab here on Splendor), I ran across her suggestion of “little and often.” That was on my mind quite a bit as I participated in this spring’s #the100dayproject. Both of…
Day 28 – Your Home as Hotel
In actuality, the entry for Day 28 is longer – “think of your home as if it were a boutique hotel,” but I trust the gist gets across in the title. The idea Mme. Ferris is setting out here is a sound one – straighten your house! Things will be easier to find and your…
Day 16 – Create a Sanctuary at Home
For Day 16, Mme. Ferris suggests that we “create a sanctuary at home.” Like many other of her ideas, this is one I can get behind and support! Home should provide a respite from the hurly-burly of the world. I’m a news and political junkie, so it’s super-easy for me to get all “spun up” in…