Tag: joie

  • Joie 10 – Art Shows!

    Joie 10 – Art Shows!

    One of the things that brings me joy is using the creative part of my brain and psyche. In fact, I consider it to be an “Essential.” In my “day job,” I teach law – an occupation I quite enjoy and one that rewards logical, methodical thinking. But it’s a mistake – a BIG one!…

  • Joie 9 – Books!

    Joie 9 – Books!

    Today is the birthday of Dr. Seuss.  The day has become “Read Across America Day,” and the entire month of March is National Reading Month, so it’s a great time to discuss the joy of books. Books are something that’s always given me joy. My mother made sure I had a library card before I…

  • Joie 8 – Simplifying

    Joie 8 – Simplifying

    I’ve kept a journal for years. Sometimes, it’s more of a diary of what happened that day, sometimes it’s more of “hey, I noticed this and it was cool,” sometimes it’s a list of things that inspired feelings of gratitude in me. Sometimes it’s in paragraph form, sometimes it’s a bullet-point list. Right now, I…