Tag: joie
Joie 7 – Mardi Gras!
Mid-to-late February is seldom my favorite time of the year. In North Carolina, it tends to be a dreary, wet, grey time, suitable for hunkering down and doing little, but it doesn’t really lend itself to that – we’re not in holiday time. Instead, this is a work-work-work time of year which makes respites all…
Joie 6 – Upcycling!
One of my true joys can, I think, be traced back to my childhood experiences with auctions. It’s a running joke in my family that my dad’s hobby was setting up housekeeping for three children via amazing buys at estate sales and auctions. I distinctly remember sitting in the living room of my very first…
Joie 5 – Stretching!
Now that I’m a month in to my “Year of Joy,” I’m ready to say that keeping a brief daily journal is a must. It lets me succinctly note splashes of joy that I come across during my day. I’m a True Believer in the notion of “as ye seek, so shall you find” and…