Tag: lifestyle
Roses and Cooperation
When I started this “roses” journey at the start of the year, I never anticipated how a virus would wreak havoc upon the world. In all the post-apocalyptic fiction I’ve read and watched, I cannot remember a single instance in which the human race triumphed by simply staying at home and watching Netflix. Movies, television,…
Roses and Sacred Space
Two months ago, I had flown out West to attend a large popular culture conference in New Mexico and I was having a wonderful time enjoying long-missed friends, having pick-up coffee dates to toss around paper and publishing ideas, grabbing snacks from well-stocked buffet tables, and enjoying the comforts of a top-notch hotel. My, how…
Roses & Staying At Home
Since I last wrote, more and more states have issued “stay at home” orders to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Working from home has proven difficult – my day job is to teach law and this semester I had taken on an overload class in addition to my usual responsibilities. Although I’ve taught online…