Tag: painting
Painting Update!
One of my intentions for 2025 is to create 100 paintings. You can follow my progress on this goal by clicking on the “River of Cream Watercolors” tab and then selecting “2025 Paintings,” but here’s a direct link, as well. As you can see, I’m breaking these out by month. January saw me create 8…
Fall Watercolor Sale!
It’s been quite a while since I held an online sale or was part of a craft fair and I realized that I was holding on to too many paintings – like switching out your closet when the seasons turn, it’s time for me to send some of my watercolor children out into the world!…
The Hundred Day Challenge
Popular wisdom (aka “some guy in a bar” and/or “the internet”) holds that it takes about three weeks (21 days) to form or break a habit. This is simply not true. To begin with, the three-week timeline is simply a rule of thumb – there are many variables and some habits take far longer to…