Tag: roses

  • Roses and Time

    Roses and Time

    I realized the other day that my last “traditional day” at work was Friday, March 6. That’s the day my midterm grades were due to be submitted and the next week was scheduled to be our spring break. Of course, that’s not the way things worked out and I spent spring break in ways that…

  • Roses and Cooperation

    Roses and Cooperation

    When I started this “roses” journey at the start of the year, I never anticipated how a virus would wreak havoc upon the world. In all the post-apocalyptic fiction I’ve read and watched, I cannot remember a single instance in which the human race triumphed by simply staying at home and watching Netflix. Movies, television,…

  • Roses and Sacred Space

    Roses and Sacred Space

    Two months ago, I had flown out West to attend a large popular culture conference in New Mexico and I was having a wonderful time enjoying long-missed friends, having pick-up coffee dates to toss around paper and publishing ideas, grabbing snacks from well-stocked buffet tables, and enjoying the comforts of a top-notch hotel. My, how…