Tag: self care
Holiday Peace & Calm
(Yes, it’s possible.) Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Ōmisoka, or one of the dozens of other holidays in December, I hope it’s a happy and joyous one for you. Often, this joy comes with a good dollop of stress for the Givers of Feasts and Throwers of Revels. There seems to be something…
Holidays Without Havoc
Over a week ago, two radio stations in my area switched to holiday music. Plenty of houses took down Halloween decorations and put up Christmas lights on the same day. And the stores have been pushing BUY THIS NOW! for months. Face it, we are living in a post-rule universe, at least when it comes…
Leaving a Room
At one time or another, it’s happened to all of us. We are in a place that simply no longer fits us, or we’ve given a place a solid try and discovered that it was never meant for us, or the party has just bored us to tears. It’s time to go, but a little…